What do an American cowboy and a former KGB agent have in common? Both believe they are above the law and international norms and diplomacy. Both think they can hide behind a veil of secrecy to achieve political aims, and take what they believe they are entitled to. Today, we have a term for such men: bullies. Yes, Vlad and George are international bullies intent on having their own way regardless of the cost to others. Both have cronies and sycophantic friends that tell them how great they are, or how marvelous they are handled international matters.
Yes, George W. Bush and his administration paved the way for Vladimir Putin of Russia to instigate a proxy war in Ukraine. Both politicians did so to divert attention from the failings of his government's policies and his nation's economy. And why not? It was not patriotism that led George W. Bush to irresponsibly commit American "boots on the ground" in his invasion of Iraq. Let's not be coy here. Bush and his pal, Cheney both thought there was a ready made store of oil exports to fuel our suffocating fossil fuel based economy. Nobody with any common sense who bothered to pay attention to their pattern of behavior would believe otherwise. The political right in America can cry foul all it wants, but the facts remain as they are: George W. Bush lied to the American public to implicate Iraq in 9/11, and what is worse, is that our Congress allowed this American bully to have his own way-even after they found out the truth. Instead of impeaching this miscreant, Congress allowed the war to go on at great cost to the people of both sides.
The Russian Duma has an opportunity to impeach Putin and have him tried for war crimes for what he has clearly instigated, and for his culpability in the downing of the Malaysian passenger jet. Neither man can deny his role in instigating the troubles the Middle East and Ukraine are now experiencing. Both should be impeached and tried before a criminal court in the Hague for crimes against humanity. Both administrations: Russian and American, of these so-called leaders should be brought to book for increasing instability and world tensions.
The only way for the world to cease its constant stream of terrorist activities, its starvation of women and children, it inexcusable barbaric behavior is to begin with indicting these men, followed by those who hide behind religion, or autocratic regimes. If we don't show our children responsible behavior now, our children and their children's children will be doomed to self-annihilation.
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